
What is Authentic Influence?2022-07-02T15:27:11+00:00
  1. Authenticity is the degree to which ‘WHAT’ you DO is aligned with ‘WHO’ you ARE despite the external circumstances.
  2. Authentic Influence is a ‘being-centered’ approach to increase your impact as an expert without being sleazy and feeling like a fraud.
  3. It’s a ‘heart-centered’ approach to double your influence by invoking your innate sense of Clarity, Connection and Creativity.
  4. It seeks to align you with your true self by helping you get grounded in the understanding of the true source of your experience and innate capabilities of co-creating the life you want.
Who is this for?2022-07-02T15:28:14+00:00

Does this sound like you?

Answer for yourself:

  1. Are you highly accomplished?
  2. Are you constantly reading and learning?
  3. Do you take inspired action?
  4. Have you experienced failure and you know that it’s just part of the path to success?
  5. Are you willing to stick to the truth when needed?
  6. Do you believe in the power of inside-out transformation?

But – despite all of your successes –

  1. Do you sometimes struggle to see how powerful you really are?
  2. Do you want to be known in the world, or to make a big impact?
  3. Are you scared or may be a little intimidated to go after what you really want next, in life?
  4. Do you have a secret dark side to your gifts that most people never see?
  5. Maybe you keep waiting for inspiration for days and weeks sometimes to get back to your most important goals?
  6. Maybe you are dismissing your past successes because you can’t see how they are relevant to the next stage of your life or business?
  7. Maybe you take your successes for granted – and you don’t see just how extraordinary you are? 
  8. Maybe you take success too seriously for longer periods and are losing on the fun side of life?
  9. Do you often find yourself struggling to find balance between personal and professional relationship priorities? 

If this sounds like you, then you and I should have a conversation. Get in touch…


  1. You have been creating great results but feel like running on the treadmill.
  2. You have been a great achiever but feel the need to create inner well-being and fulfilment.
  3. You have a message to share but are struggling to open yourself up to the world.
  4. You have a lot to do and are capable of, but are struggling in prioritizing your needs.
  5. You have tasted SUCCESS but still feel empty within.
  6. You have been working for long on the outside but now realize the missing inner work.

If this sounds like you, then you and I should have a conversation. Get in touch…

Do you guarantee results?2022-07-02T15:28:41+00:00

My answer: Are you committed to create results?

(But to pacify your self-doubt, I invite you to read a few testimonials of experts who have worked with me in form or the other.)

How long does it take to create results?2022-07-02T15:29:05+00:00

Sometimes they are as quick as within 5 min. But there’s something important you don’t miss while you proceed to work with me. I coach around insights. So sometimes they are instant and sometimes they might take a little longer. I am not in a hurry.

Time is not a metric of progress in coaching with me. It’s about holding absolutely unconditional and non-judgmental space for you to create the results you want. 

I am committed to do that in every bit of my conversation with you.

How firm are you about the coaching investment?2022-07-02T15:29:41+00:00

I don’t coach for my need. I coach because I love to help the committed experts create massive results, both within and without. Coaching investment is the first way you commit yourself to create results for yourself. It’s not about me. It’s about you. You know that, don’t you? 

So the truth is: It’s for you to see if you are committed to invest in yourself.

You can still access the free videos with massive value I keep sharing through my articles and videos on YouTube. Start watching them and working on the insights. Start creating your results for yourself if you need some more time to hire me as your coach. You don’t have to do invest immediately.

Take as much time as you want to. But remember, commitment moves you much faster than you can imagine. And a coach with you can save you years of time, energy and life. 

You don’t have to reinvent the bulb. 

You need someone who can light it for you and hold space for you to see the truth.

You need someone who believes in you more than you do.

You need someone who’s committed to help you see what millions don’t.

You need someone who’s been fearless his whole life and can help you do the same.

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