Do I Need A Coach?

Here’s How You Work With Me:

Coaching with me is a ‘soul-deepening’ dialogue. It’s a heart-to-heart spirit-expanding transformative conversation where you’ll sit ‘naked’ facing THE TRUTH you want to embody every single moment in your life.

We’ll work based on agreements on our roles, contributions and commitment to undress your present ‘self’ of the ego, false prestige and the impressive façade it picked up unknowingly from the external influence. Next, we’ll create the AUTHENTIC ‘you’ who’ll create the future you want to experience.

Here’s Who I am ‘Being’ as Your Coach:

  • To be the most sacred and safe space for authentic connection.
  • To be your trusted advisor and
  • To be your soul-nudger.

The Catch:

  • I’m not going to do ‘The Work’ for you.
  • It’s YOUR responsibility to take action on the insights shared and stay committed to the process. And
  • It’s YOU who’s going to create the ‘self’ you intent to live.

What NOT to Expect:

  • Don’t expect coaching with me to be a fanciful chocolaty pep talk filled with run-of-the-mill motivational stuff.
  • They are NOT.
  • Get ready to BEND your soul.
  • Get ready to FACE the truth.
  • Get ready to DEEPEN your experience of life.

Read Before You Call Me:

  • I charge. But I don’t coach FOR money. Because the value I am committed to serve you with is PRICELESS.
  • As a coach, I come to serve you from a place of Authenticity, Service and Love.
  • Don’t expect me to sell you transformation.

  • It’s not my job to convince you to get coached because it’s you who’ll experience the benefits for lifetime.

  • Nothing comes without your conscious effort. So Hire me ONLY if you’re already committed to create the YOU who’ll create wonders for self and around.

See the truth?

Call me now or drop a message to
start the new conversation!
Yes, I Want to Connect Now!

Introducing “Coaching Relationships”

Jungle Walk – 12 Months

You have already created amazing results but still feel something ‘missing’. And are all set to walk into the darkness of the jungle within for a deeper exploration. You don’t have a set goal but can foresee a massive shift which has the power the change your entire life.

You don’t want to treat each area in life as a separate part but want to see everything connected to ‘who’ you are. And you strongly believe that once everything about ‘you’ changes, everything about ‘life’ changes.

You are bold enough to go down the deep dark tunnel of the unknown and see what shows up.

There’s no agenda. We just explore for what ‘new’ aspect shows up and you decide whether to work on it or move on and then we go into the wild together. You are geared up for that massive ‘shift’ in 12 months which can generally take a whole life for someone.

You have decided to find your real voice.

Period : 12 Months

No. of Sessions : Almost UNLIMITED Coaching (As per mutual understanding and your need)

Duration : 60 – 90 Min Each (Can exceed sometimes. So you need to be prepared.)

Big Bonus : 3 FREE Full-Day Intensive Sessions Valued @ Rs.45,0000/- (1 every 3 months)

Total Value : Rs.3,00,000/-

Your Investment : Rs.2,50,000/- Only (If paid in 3 Equal Installments as per the intervals agreed in the enrollment call).

One-time Investment: Rs.1,80,000/- (Paid 3 Days before the coaching begins).

Two Installments: Rs. 2,20,000/- (1st Installment – Rs.1,20,000/- at the agreement, 2 nd installment – Rs.1,00,000/- before the commencement of the 6th month coaching)

Period : 12 Months
No. of Session : Almost UNLIMITED Coaching (As per mutual understanding and your need)
Duration : 60 – 90 Min Each (Can exceed sometimes. So you need to be prepared.)
Big Bonus : 3 FREE Full-Day Intensive Sessions Valued @ Rs.45,0000/- (1 every 3 months)
Total Value : Rs.3,00,000/-
Your Investment : Rs.2,50,000/- Only (If paid in 3 Equal Installments as per the intervals agreed in the enrollment call).
One-time Investment: Rs.1,80,000/- (Paid 3 Days before the coaching begins).
Two Installments: Rs. 2,20,000/- (1st Installment – Rs.1,20,000/- at the agreement, 2 nd installment – Rs.1,00,000/- before the commencement of the 6th month coaching)
Click Here For your FREE Intake Audition
Period : 3 Months
No. of Session : 12
Duration : 90 Min Each
Bonus 1 : 1 FREE Session
Bonus 2 : 1 FREE Mini-Intensive Valued @Rs.15,000/-
Total Value : Rs.74,000/-
Your Investment : Rs.50,000/- Only

Period : 3 Months

No. of Sessions : 12

Duration : 90 Min Each

Bonus 1 : 1 FREE Session

Bonus 2 : 1 FREE Mini-Intensive Valued @Rs.15,000/-

Total Value : Rs.74,000/-

Your Investment : Rs.50,000/- Only

Click Here For your FREE Intake Audition

Long Ride – 3 Months

While you accept the reality of discomfort, you are in for a long drive. You strongly believe that you can double your results once you have a sincere accountability partner alongside, who is willing to go an extra mile to differ with you when required, and to help you see that which you have been ignoring to acknowledge for long.

You trust deep within that you are here for lasting transformation than for momentary victory. You also realize that this is possible only when you hold yourself accountable until you see results in a context-free way – both inside and outside.

You intend to work on the inside as much as on the outside life. You are on mission to bring out your ‘authentic’ self and revive the lost creative spirit you once had.

You are ready for the deep silence and merciless truths which have kept you from being more of who you truly are.

Pool Dive – 1 Month

Although you understand that transformative change needs work at a deep level, you somehow feel pressed for time and would want to cover more ground in relatively less time. We dive deep right from the beginning but in a contextually controlled way, and accept nothing less than concrete changes in the areas of your personal choice.

You have an immediate issue on your mind which is encroaching more time, space and energy than it deserves. And you feel that you can be a way out of it only when you change something about yourself or the way you see things.

You are on a project but lack clarity. There’s too much on your head and you feel lost in spite of all your planning and preparation. There are unseen blockages within which are working against you and you want to work on them first before you see results outside. And you also believe that this would help you create better and creative results.

Period : 1 Month
No. of Session : 4
Duration : 120 Min Each
Bonus 1 : 3 FREE Sessions (Discovery, Development, Creation)
Extra Bonus : 1 FREE Session (You can save for later)
Total Value : Rs.32,000/-
Your Investment : Rs.20,000/- Only

Period : 1 Month

No. of Sessions : 4

Duration : 120 Min Each

Bonus 1 : 3 FREE Sessions (Discovery, Development, Creation)

Extra Bonus : 1 FREE Session (You can save for later)

Total Value : Rs.32,000/-

Your Investment : Rs.20,000/- Only

Click Here For Your FREE Coaching Discovery Call

Period : 1 Day

No. of Sessions :  2-3 (As per the contextual requirement and mutual agreement)

Duration :  120 Min Each

Total Value : Priceless

Your Investment :  Rs.15,000/-

Payment :  1-time (3 Days prior to the date of coaching date)

Period : 1 Day
No. of Session : 2-3 (As per the contextual requirement and mutual agreement)
Duration : 120 Min Each
Total Value : Priceless
Your Investment : Rs.15,000/-
Payment : 1-time (3 Days prior to the date of coaching date)

Intensive – 1 Day (2-3 Sessions/2-hr each)

You want to go the extra mile in the shortest possible time and take the deepest plunge ever. You realize that you need to give that extra push and make the most of having a growth partner. You want to put all your fears in the right perspective without beating about the bushes and kick-start your journey inward. You intend to devote one full day to intensive overhaul to create the much desired escape velocity in propelling yourself towards your authentic self – the most natural leader you were born as.

You don’t want to leave an escape door open, want to ignite your inner self and create the thrust powerful enough to create a lasting momentum.

You want to make that most required fun-filled and significant launch of your personal transformative journey.

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