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Why motivate when you can inspire?

Motivation needs a reason. Inspiration is all about commitment to create what you want. It takes back the reigns and makes you sit in the driver’s seat while holding space for you to express your true self.


Why train when you can transform?

Most training limits itself to skills. True transformation is possible only when the mindset is changed. It frees people from the patters which limit their performance and productivity.


Why change when you can BE?

Most change-initiatives limit to mindset. Lasting change is possible only when you can embrace the magnificence of who you are. You work on your ‘being’ which changes everything about you effortlessly.

Is This You?

Are you a Change-Maker (Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Healer, Self-Growth Expert or an Aspiring Influencer) who wants to connect deeply with your clients and make a lasting impact.

Are you someone who’s created some great results, but now wants to live life inside-out?

Are you a Leader who wants to create effortless influence on people without being phony and feeling like a fraud within?

Naked Truth

80% of the Experts, Change-Makers and Leaders are stuck between their aspirations and personal fulfilment hopelessly seeking validation from people, products, and positions.

Book a Call

The journey of ‘creating lasting impact’ can sometimes be lonely, harsh and confusing.

Are you someone…

1 Who knows your life is meaningful, but often feels lost without a purpose?

2 Who wants to create some original stuff, but has adjusted to being average?

3 Who wants to follow your inner voice, but feels stuck in being realistic and practical?

4 Who knows that you have a message, but always feels shy of sharing it with the world?

5 Who knows you are born to influence people to their greatness, but feel clueless?

I’ve Been There

For over 10 years, I’ve been helping speakers, trainers, coaches and leaders from various walks of life be more of they are, create from their core, and make deep impact upon their clients/audience. With a background in training and coaching and having personally touched thousands of lives,
I know what it takes to help experts get unstuck and reach new levels of growth and fulfillment.

I draw upon my wisdom from my Struggle for Stability, Lack of Clarity, Bad Divorce, Single Parenting, Ruptured Relationships, Broken-Heart, Loss of Brother, Loss of Mom, Imposter Syndrome, Loneliness and much more life had to offer me.

Connect Now!

Who I AM

“Hi, I’m Ranjan.

I am a World Expert on Authentic Influence and I specialize in personal influence focused on clarity, connection and creation. I am passionate about change-makers and Leaders becoming influencers without being sleazy.

I coach them to increase their impact in a way that is in harmony with who they truly ARE awakening their innate sense of well-being and creativity.

Here’s what you’ll see with me as your coach:

Read the Story


Step-by-Step Plan to Amplify Your Impact.

Connect Now!

Step 1

Schedule A Call

See if we fit our needs.

Step 2

Discovery Session (Free)

Discover what’s holding you back.

Step 3

Development Session (Free)

Develop a detailed plan for your success.

Step 4

Creation Session (Free)

We’ll celebrate your increased impact in life!

The Cardinal Rules of the Game

No Replicable Template

I don’t follow a set template. Coaching with me unique for each client.

No Accountability Partnership

I won’t be your accountability partner. You need to be fired up to stay committed.

No Hard Selling

I’ll not hard sell any of the services. You’re free to choose and decide the right ones for yourself.

No Refund

The payment made is fully non-refundable. The game of change is only for the committed.

I'm Committed!

Once you experience the shift, you'll be able to:

  1. Influence without being sleazy.
  2. Connect without being needy.
  3. Create without being confused.
  4. Serve without being stressed.
  5. Sell without being salesy.
Learn more

Transformational Coach Ranjan Kumar
with International Experts!

Robin Sharma

International Leadership Expert

David Shing

International Digital Futurist

Fons Trompenaars

International Leadership Expert

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