About Me

With me as your coach…

You will find clarity, learn how to connect heart-to-heart, and create possibilities to move forward in increasing your impact.

You are whole, complete, and resourceful, and I coach you knowing that!

I’ll work one-on-one with you to take action in your purpose, personal philosophy, and personal influence plan to create the life you want to be living.”

Work With Me!

After braving the misaligned childhood, at the age of 18, Ranjan renounced his family to turn a monk in Sri Ramakrishna Matt in Hyderabad, India. But soon realized he is a blend of mysticism and materialism.

He continued to explore ways to grow from within through meditation, spiritual initiations, alternative therapies like Pranic Healing, Reiki Therapy etc., while growing on the outside devouring books by Swami Vivekananda, OSHO, Theosophical Society of India, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo, Barbara Ann Brenan, Shakti Gawain, Joseph Murphy, Jose Silva and many more transformational catalysts. For over 25 years he’s been investing himself into developing his public speaking, training, and coaching skills.

Although he succeeded in working his way to a leadership role in reputed organizations he could see that something was amiss. He knew deep inside that he was neither living with authenticity nor expressing his purpose.

Ranjan had not yet faced his fears. He shielded himself behind masks fearing opinions of others, while being afraid to be his true self. It wasn’t until he almost lost it all after his bad divorce, broken heart, addictions, and life as a single parent of two little kids that he realized something was wrong.

Ranjan transformed his story contrary to the typical clichés of success. He invested in his innate sense of clarity, connection, and creation, rediscovered his sense of worth, recreated his life of choice, and began to experience true fulfillment while having fun creating life the inside-out way.

He experienced a significant shift in his career and personal success. And now, he is committed to helping self-growth experts increase their impact, without being sleazy and feeling like a fraud.

Do you want to tap into your real power to become an Authentic Influencer or want to stay stuck complaining? The choice is yours to make.

Start the conversation!

The journey of ‘creating lasting impact’ can sometimes be lonely, harsh and confusing.

“Just BE Here”, my mom kept saying these 3 words to me again and again for the last three days of her life. While most of my clients look on the external success I created, what goes unnoticed is the dark side of it.

For most of my life, I acted out of the urgency to create success, make more money, go up the career ladder, get noticed for my work, and carve a place in people’s minds.

What actually drove me from inside was the ‘need’ for identity, the ‘need’ for self-worth, and the ‘need’ for love.

While I launched myself from a hard-pressed background, I kept pushing the limits to learn new things, do things differently, and grow beyond my expectations.

But some deep reflection shows I was knocking myself out to break free from a psychological world I had self-prisoned myself in – a world of an identity crisis, self-significance, and belongingness.

On the one side, I kept exploring yoga, meditation, journaling, visualization, and energy works like pranic healing, reiki therapy and deep inner work, and on the other side I gave myself up to smoking, drinking, negative circles, binge watching TV and many more.

I ended up the most confused and lost guy I could be.

While the positive work helped me create some great results on the outside, it wasn’t without the results from the negative things I was drowning in.

Health issues, Ruptured Relationships, Broken Heart, Divorce, Financial Problems, Loneliness, Misunderstandings, and Imposter Syndrome became some elements of my story that I can name.

While I kept pulling myself back to the track, I had patterns working against me which kept me stuck in the circumstances I hated. Pushing hard was the only way I knew about it, and I kept at it.

But life had something painful yet powerful in store for me.

My mom’s death turned into the biggest change catalyst which literally jolted me out of my deep slumber.

Although I had created some magical results (you’ll see them soon) prior to her passing, the last three days before my mom passed were a message to me about how life functions and what it expects from us.

Presence, I discovered, is key to creating a lasting impact in anyone’s life.

You can do nothing for others unless you learn how to BE present for them.

There’s nothing you can do for life unless you learn how to BE available to it.

I learned my lesson from the last three words ‘Just BE Here’ from my mom. She gave away the secret to leaving this world a better place.

Life was never the same again!

I started attracting people, opportunities, and moments that really mattered and my life took a beautiful turn.

Today, when someone introduces me at my seminar, talks, workshops, and events, they read my bio of the external story that is visible.

I smile on the inside because I know the truth beneath it which makes me create this impact globally.

And this is exactly why I call myself ‘The Beacon of Truth’.

I live my ‘Document of Being’.

And I do not shy away a wee bit from showing you the truth and holding unconditional space for you to see what’s possible if you learn the art of ‘being’ more of who you are, connecting with your ‘true’ self, and creating your life from your ‘being’.

If you are committed to making some real impact on life, I am committed to serving you in the most powerful way possible. I live my word.

Well, you can take a glance at a bit of what I created on the outside too.

Here’s how I am generally introduced in my
seminar, workshops, talks, and events:

My Professional Bio:

With over 15 years of experience in training, learning and development, Ranjan Kumar is focused on accelerating the adoption of technology as part of enabling HR Leaders in their endeavor to optimize their human capital.

He works as a Digital Transformation Advocate at Akrivia HCM.

While technological advancement and cheap processing power in everyone’s pocket will change everything, Ranjan is curious as to how this is going to align with the most valuable components of a business which are intangibles: the mission, the vision, the story, the brand, the intellectual property and the intelligent process that organizes people and things efficiently to get something done.

Being the leader or company that coordinates a tribe of people is more valuable for him which makes him curious as to how technology will play a role in creating the most engaging experience for everyone involved – employee to customer.

He contributes his thoughts on how BIG organizations need to learn new ways of creating things that are special and custom-made for each employee and create more of ‘Moments That Matter’. Most importantly, how they need to learn ways to care deeply while adding soul to their brand.

He had earlier served Akrivia HCM as the Chief Learning Officer and now has aligned his professional mission with the company’s vision.

Ranjan is also a World Expert on Authentic Influence and helps Professional Self-Growth Experts increase their impact without being sleazy through a ‘being-centered’ approach focusing on CLARITY, CONNECTION AND CREATION.

With over 21 years of first-hand experience in inside-out transformation, he has successfully touched over fifty thousand lives through my talks, workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions and has helped people find their real voice and connect with their authentic selves.

And now he finds fulfillment in making space for the enablement of leaders through technology and helping them scale their impact globally.

He is the founder of Mysticfusion International – A Personal Transformation Organization helping self-growth experts increase their impact.

Ranjan is an Amazon Bestselling Author, Transformational Life Coach, Professional Speaker, and a Corporate Trainer. As a coach, he specializes in the training and development of individuals and organizations on Authentic Influence through inside-out transformational work.

As a speaker, he’s been a speaker in international events along with International Experts like Robin SharmaInternational Leadership Icon, David ShingDigital Evangelist and Fons TompenaarsInternational Bestselling Author and Expert on Servant Leadership.

In addition to JCI Certifications, as a trainer, he is certified from American TESOL and London College of Business Sciences with an Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching from Achology – Scotland and Evercoach (Mindvalley) – Malaysia.

He began his success saga in Junior Chamber International as the Outstanding Speaker in Speech Craft, Outstanding Zone Trainer in Zone Trainer’s Workshop and made Visakhapatnam proud by graduating as the Top Outstanding National Trainer for the National Train-the-Trainer Seminar- South Batch 2015 and one of the ICONIC TRAINER AWARDEES of JCI INDIA – 2021

He has been a faculty of Public Speaking Workshops over 30 times as part of his corporate training career and has served JCI India as Pilot faculty once and as a Co-faculty for Speech Craft twice.

As a corporate trainer, he has served a slew of organizations and trained clients of the Insurance Industry, Diamond Manufacturers, Board of Directors of Colleges, Marketing Groups, Members of the Chamber of Commerce, Members of Quality Circle Forum of India, Faculty of Engineering Colleges, and has personally touched lives of over 50 Thousand individuals through his services.

As an academician, he had worked as a trainer and Head of Training with over half-a-dozen Engineering Colleges across Odisha and Andhra Pradesh and has traveled across the country speaking and training.

In his spiritual life, he was initiated by Swami Ranganathananda – International President – Sri Ramakrishna Matt and Mission Order in 1997, got initiated into Paramahamsa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga, Master CVV’s Meditation, and many more. All this prepared him for his inward journey.

He then continued his journey exploring energy works like Pranic Healing, Reiki Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Meditation and many more.

His four books which include

  1. ‘Hit your restart button – How To Reinvent Yourself And Start Living A Zero Limits Life
  2. You 2.0 – A Crash Course In Personal Reinvention,
  3. Crack The Creation Code – Know The Secret Of Creation Before You Create Your Life and
  4. Be More Of Who You Are

form a complete package of personal transformation kit – the inside-out way.

Want to give your life
a new meaning?

Do get in touch to give your story a fresh turn!
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Transformational Coach Ranjan Kumar
with International Experts!

Robin Sharma

International Leadership Expert

David Shing

International Digital Futurist

Fons Trompenaars

International Leadership Expert

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