“We cannot solve the problems with the same thinking we used when we created them,”

– Albert Einstein

Why you need Ranjan?

If you’re looking to making deep transformative impact upon a team through a workshop which goes beyond impressing them with a bunch of meaningless fun activities and games, then Ranjan’s workshops are for you.

If you’re looking for your team to take charge of their life, results and growth, then Ranjan’s workshops are for you.

If you’re looking to help your manager and leaders create more impact, add real value and become natural influencers within the organizations, Ranjan’s workshops are for you.


The participants get to explore the deep-rooted cause beneath the results and learn how to alter the patterns projecting them again and again.

The sessions are experiential influencing all dimensions of person, personality and purpose.

The results are lasting changes not just in performance but also upon the approach to challenges and creating exponential results effortlessly.

As a trainer, Ranjan is certified, trained and mentored by the best in the world and is an award-winning transformative trainer who has trained hundreds in increasing their personal impact.

The Process

The sessions are deeply reflective group coaching experience with powerful soul-searching and self-questioning made easy through the proven system Ranjan has successfully explored with hundreds of his participants creating stunning results.

On the other side, the sessions are filled with fun, laughter and abundance of joy as a results of instant shifts experienced by the participants.


(Minimum Participants – 20. Maximum Participants – 30)

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